Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why does your business need an attendance management software?

Modern day tech companies are quite professional as they prepare to offer a lot of fringe benefits along with several in-house facilities to their employees. Some tech companies are even allowing their workers to bring their pets to the work. You may have seen the picture of a Google employee sitting next to his dog at his workstation. There are also companies that arrange paid vacations to popular tourist destinations of the world for their employees.

There is one other company which runs its operations as a flat organization without bosses and uses an open allocation policy, which means employees can move between teams and projects on their own. I am talking about Valve Corporation, the famous game development company behind games like Half Life, Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Portal, Dota, and Left 4 Dead.

Well, it happens to be a lot of different things when it comes to workplaces benefits and manners these days. However, the only thing which even these tech companies cannot neglect is the attendance management of their employees. They keep a hawk’s eye on their employees’ attendance through a proper attendance management software.

Modern day attendance softwares can be downloaded from the internet and works immediately on desktop, laptops, and smartphones. I have downloaded and experienced a couple of attendance management softwares and apps. To say I am really impressed would be an understatement as these apps are pretty easy to use and they generate a lot of customized reports for employers.

In the past, I have also experienced RFID and biometric based attendance management systems. Apart from the heavy price of these systems, they require a lot of hardware deployment within the office premises along with proper maintenance cost. While, modern day apps and attendance management software are affordable and do not require any particular hardware installations. The maintenance cost is next to zero and you don’t even have to worry about things like lost RFID cards of your employees and device malfunctions.

One of the best finds of my research on these attendance management software was ittendance. It is a smartphone app that marks your employees’ attendance with an innovative process. The app uses your smartphone camera to mark, track and monitor employees attendance.

The app asks employee to take photos of themselves while marking their time-in and time-out, that image is then watermarked with a date-time stamp by the app and stored in a cloud based server. So, nobody could temper the data and it is impossible to fool the system.

The app offers a wonderful interface with an excellent searching feature that could generate highly customized attendance report for any particular individual and department.

Now, I often find myself recommending my entrepreneur friends to improve their company’s attendance by adopting this remarkable attendance management software.

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