Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5 Least Scary Ways to Maintain Your Business

Setting up a business is very easy as compared to maintaining it. As the competition within industries has reached the saturation. So, in this situation, making a little profit requires a lot of struggle. With each passing day, we heard a new company has come up with a new product. However, most of the start-ups lose their growth in the midway.

Have you ever thought why it happened? 

Why entrepreneurs are always worried about survival? 

Why they have been driven (interested) by money?

Is there any way to resolve these pathetic problems?

Obviously there are 5 least scary ways of managing your start-up. 

Through these ways you can save your businesses and maintain it very well to earn a handful profit.

1) Try to create and add value within your products and services.

2) Get feedback from your customer about your products and services.

3) Plan meetings with employees on a weekly basis and observe their performance
4) Set appropriate and achievable targets for your employees with a limited time frame.

5) Efficiently record their attendance in order to save time and money by managing time.

By these 5 simple steps your company not only survives but will also give you the fruitful results. These are the most essential and crucial ways which can make your business profitable. Employees' management is very important in it and for this purpose we can download attendance tracking app just to stimulate the human resource management department.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Streamline and Automate Your Attendance Tracking Process

Identifying, analyzing, planning and suggesting a number of strategies to get the best human resource for the schools, colleges and universities is the main responsibility of the Administration department.This department is always busy in managing human resources. Besides these hectic tasks, another most time consuming task they have to manage is the attendance tracking system. Attendance tracking is more hectic and tiresome work for Administration department than any other work, but it is very crucial too. Ask any CEO or ask any Administration department officer.

Confused, why it is crucial and tiresome as well?

It is important, because it helps in making cash transactions of the any schools, colleges or universities. So it should be done with a lot of care and its very hard to be 100% accurate while using the manual attendance recording system. Manual attendance requires too much time to set up and also a daily manual update. Administration department needs to accumulate all the records for each classrooms before making fee vouchers or cash transaction.

To solve these issues of Administration department, here is the one window solution for all of your problems, “ittendance". It is an app for the iOS and Android, which automatically updates the attendance tracking system. You can have years of attendance records at your fingertips in just a couple of minutes.

Attendance tracking in ittendance is as easy as taking your photo from your smartphone. It is really hard to believe that a task as simple as taking a photo could be that beneficial. However, just visit the App Store or Google Play and experience the app to believe it. It is an amazing app with dynamic features. It perfect and wise choice as it is the best classroom attendance tracking app. So hurry up, it is free for 15 days. Totally free with 0% risk factor. Don’t miss this chance. It is really easy to streamline your typical attendance system process through ittendance.